
3D-Measurements оказывает услуги по проведению измерений с помощью координатно-измерительной машины, оцифровке объектов и трехмерному моделированию. Мы имеем многолетний опыт работы в области 3D измерений, большой опыт работы с автомобильными компаниями (GM, VW, Renault, Toyota), опыт работы в производстве промышленной оснастки (штампов и пресс-форм), производим настройку геометрических параметров сварочных линий и контрольных приспособлений
Our scope – 3D measurements with coordinate measuring machines, digitizing the shape and appearance of three-dimensional objects . We have long-term of experience in the field of 3D measurements, extensive experience working with automotive companies (GM, VW, Renault, Toyota), experience in industrial tooling (dies, press-molds), welding jigs and checking fixtures geometry adjustment

3D измерения
Измерение геометрических параметров деталей, подсборок и оснастки на координатно-измерительной машине.
Статистический контроль в процессе

3D measurements
Geometrical parameters inspection of parts, sub-assemblies and production tooling.
Statistical process control

Дизайн и решения
Оцифровка объектов контактным методом и обратный инжиниринг. Поиск решений и проработка методик измерений

Design and solutions
Geometric objects digitization. Find solutions and measuring methods

Контроль и настройка оснастки
Проверка и доводка контрольных приспособлений. Измерение и настройка параметров сварочных линий

Production tooling inspection and ajustment
Checking fixtures and welding jigs calibration. Geometry adjustment


Price and quality Price and quality
In the work we focus on the correctness and quality, we have a lot of experience for solving various non-standard tasks. We know and monitor the current market in the field of three-dimensional measurements and are always ready to offer competitive prices
Keep a term Keep a term
We follow the agreements, perform complex and extensive work. We appreciate your time, therefore we make every effort to complete the work within the agreed time
Measurements according to technical documentation Measurements according to technical documentation
We carry out measurements in accordance with the drawings and 3D-models, we provide reports on the results of measurements in the required formats
Know one's business Know one's business
Since 2005, in the field of 3D measurements, we have a great experience in writing programs for various measuring machines, as well as experience in digitizing objects, adjusting production tooling and checking fixtures. We have qualification certificates for international quality standards, in the field of metrology and CAD-system